Why Choose Sponsorship

Gain direct access to senior decision-makers in selected target markets.

Exhibit your products and services in an interactive environment.

Generate new distribution and sales channels

Gain brand exposure throughout the life-cycle of the event – on the brochures and other marketing material, web-site and at the actual event

Obtain the opportunity to send key members of staff and clients to our events to learn, network and make contacts

Provide a platform for integrated communications to market

Enhance brand equity in a competitive market

High Level Branding Options

These are the Premier options, designed to be exclusive for each event, and is the highest quality package we are able to put together to profile a company at an event. It has the opportunity to speak on the programme with a client as a case study, includes the highest brand visibility and positioning and premium booth location and size. There is also an opportunity to make a 2 minute address to the audience at a key point during the event.

Hospitality Sponsorship Options

The opportunity to host the Networking Drinks function or Lunch is a great way to mix and mingle with the delegates in a social setting, and is a way of associating with the hospitality aspect of the event.

It also offers branding and guest passes for the full event. Exclusive branding is permitted by the Drinks/Lunch Sponsor for this activity, and a welcome address is possible.

corporate hospitality catering

Exhibition Booth

This is the trade display option, and offers the opportunity to showcase your products and services directly at all breaks during the event with a booth.

It has associated branding benefits and guest passes.

Our team of exhibition architects, graphic designers and project managers will deliver an exhibition stand to meet your objectives, within your budget.

High Level Branding Options

These are the Premier options, designed to be exclusive for each event, and is the highest quality package we are able to put together to profile a company at an event. It has the opportunity to speak on the programme with a client as a case study, includes the highest brand visibility and positioning and premium booth location and size. There is also an opportunity to make a 2 minute address to the audience at a key point during the event

Hospitality Sponsorship Options


The opportunity to host the Networking Drinks function or Lunch is a great way to mix and mingle with the delegates in a social setting, and is a way of associating with the hospitality aspect of the event. It also offers branding and guest passes for the full event. Exclusive branding is permitted by the Drinks/Lunch Sponsor for this activity, and a welcome address is possible.

Exhibition Booth

This is the trade display option, and offers the opportunity to showcase your products and services directly at all breaks during the event with a booth.

It has associated branding benefits and guest passes.

Our team of exhibition architects, graphic designers and project managers will deliver an exhibition stand to meet your objectives, within your budget.